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Save Me



They had neither a body to be kicked nor a soul to be saved...

When Richard McNamara crashes through a plate glass window he finds himself inexplicably transported to another world. With his brother and bandmates on the other side of a disappearing portal he must uncover the secrets of Neo-Yorkshire to find a way home.

Unaware of the fate that has befallen his brother, Danny McNamara proceeds with band rehearsals only for Richard to turn up late as though nothing has happened. At first everything seems normal but as time goes by Danny can’t help wondering if this man really is his brother...

I'm not sure how many of you know of or remember Embrace but they're a band I've loved since I was thirteen. This illustration is based on the video to Save Me, a favourite of mine (I won't lie, it's mainly because of my love for Danny's jumper and my teenage crush on the deadlocked Richard. It was the year 2000, these things were acceptable back then). My love for the video's visuals, colours and story led me to imagine how it would play out as an anime, where Richard is replaced by a doppelgänger and ends up in an alternate version of Yorkshire. This would be its poster. Or something. 

When presented with a copy of the illustration Richard remarked (in his lovely Yorkshire accent) 'Well, you've made us all look beautiful', a wonderful, rewarding moment that will be treasured forever. A moment, it should be noted, that followed Richard walking back to my tent with me (there was camping involved, it's complicated). That weekend was surreal and utterly fantastic... There was also encouragement to turn it into a comic but we'll have to see about that...

Treat yourself to a glimpse of Danny's fantastic jumper via the link below:
Music Mood Icon by Gasara Watch Save Me Video

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ciybro's avatar
the middle one looks like arin
